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When: 7.30pm on Friday 25 July 2014
Where: First Chop Brewing Arm, Unit 3 Trinity Row, Trinity Way, Salford M3 5EN

We’re delighted to be helping Jane Weaver launch her new album at First Chop Brewing Arm.

Jane Weaver unveils her new album The Silver Globe, released on her own femme freak imprint Bird through Manchester label Finders Keepers Records.

The album features production and contributions from David Holmes and Andy Votel plus special guest musicians. It was recorded mostly in an old vicarage near the Peak District and the famous Vox Recording Studios in Los Angeles, with both studios housing unique analogue experimental equipment.

The Silver Globe hears Weaver deploy a wide range of instruments: vintage Goblinised Roland string synths, detuned pianos, guitar synths, harpsichords and ex-Radiophonic Workshop custom equipment as accompaniment to vocals recorded with space echo, sonic room reverbs and bespoke experimental tape delays.

The Silver Globe is Jane’s fifth solo album, and her live show will feature her performing with a full band plus light projections from Manchester filmmakers Kluncklick.

Main support comes from Tender Prey. Laura Bryon is Tender Prey, a Cardiff-based musician who mixes garage rock, blues and ghostly girl group clangs to shake you, soothe you and see you through the night. Tender Prey has previously made music as Le B and in noise­pop outfit King Alexander. Laura will be releasing her debut album later this year on Bird Records.

Marc Riley, plus members of Bird Records and Finders Keepers, will also be DJing throughout the evening.

First Chop Brewing Arm is an industrial brewing unit situated in a railway arch off Trinity Way, a 10-minute walk from Deansgate. The brewery is fully licensed and will be offering a selection of its own ales on the night, as well as other refreshments. Read more about our partnership with First Chop here.

Buy tickets now. Tickets are available from Common (no booking fee), Piccadilly Records, Vinyl Exchange, Songkick.com, Seetickets.comWeGotTickets.comTicketline.co.uk and on 0871 220 0260.

Attend on: Facebook | Last.fm

All shows are 18+ unless otherwise stated.