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When: 7.30pm on Saturday 13 July 2013
Where: The Deaf Institute, 135 Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HE

PLEASE NOTE: This show has moved to Gorilla’s sister venue The Deaf Institute. Widely regarded as one of the best venues in the country, The Deaf Institute – and in particular, its Music Hall – is the perfect setting for the event. It’s less than a ten-minute walk from Gorilla.

We’re excited to be bringing a very special show to Manchester: IntroducingLive recreate Daft Punk’s Discovery live.

Introducinglive began with a single great idea: take a classic electronic album and recreate it with a live band. Starting in 2007 with DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing, they’ve been playing to packed houses all over the UK and Europe ever since.

After Entroducing, Introducinglive spent a season touring Mr. Scruff’s classic Ninja Tune album Keep It Unreal. Today, a slimmed-­down six-­piece Introducinglive turn their sights on their greatest challenge yet: Daft Punk’s legendary 2001 LP, Discovery.

It’s hard to imagine the electronic scene today without Discovery. Its acclaimed combination of up-­tempo percussion, tongue-­in-­cheek robotic vocals, hectic synth lines, and off-­the-­wall samples set the precedent for many acts that followed. Kanye West and David Guetta are two of many artists whose sounds are indebted to its influence.

Introducinglive combines the buzz of a live gig with music that you never imagined you’d hear live. Expect robotics and lasers. Expect a stunt guitarist, samples triggered by increasingly blurry hands, and sixty-­one minutes of unbelievable drumming. Just don’t expect to be able to stop dancing.

Support comes from Naked Swing. Producer, DJ and Heavy Rain mastermind, Naked Swing – aka Lucien Heritier – makes music and he does it very very well. With recent comparisons to Bicep and Detroit Swindle plus legendary remix works in the pipeline 2013 is set to be a big year. His meticulous take on authentic house and garage and frankly incredible DJ skills make him the perfect additon to the Invader family.

PLEASE NOTE: This show has moved to Gorilla’s sister venue The Deaf Institute. Widely regarded as one of the best venues in the country, The Deaf Institute – and in particular, its Music Hall – is the perfect setting for the event. It’s less than a ten-minute walk from Gorilla.

Book tickets now. Tickets are available from the bar, Common (both no booking fee), Piccadilly Records, Vinyl Exchange, Seetickets.comWeGotTickets.comTicketline.co.uk and on 0871 220 0260.

Attend on: Facebook | Last.fm

All shows are 18+ unless otherwise stated.