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When: 7pm on Friday 10 October 2014
Where: Royal Northern College of Music, 124 Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9RD

We’re delighted to be bringing Clint Mansell to Manchester.

The 10th of October sees an evening of film music by acclaimed British composer Clint Mansell – the man behind some of the most celebrated soundtracks of the past two decades – who will perform alongside his band, pianist Carly Paradis and the Sonus Quartet.

A longtime collaborator of groundbreaking director Darren Aronofsky – for whom he has scored Black Swan, Requiem For A Dream, The Fountain, The Wrestler and Pi – Mansell was recognised for this outstanding work with Grammy and Golden Globe nominations. ‘Lux Aeterna’ (from Requiem for a Dream) has become ubiquitous even outside the realms of the film itself. In addition to his impressive work on Aronofsky’s films, and a plethora of more mainstream films, Clint received major acclaim for his 2009 score for Duncan Jones’ directorial debut Moon. His latest creation is the soundtrack to the upcoming film Noah, starring Russell Crowe.

This show is a co-promotion with DHP.

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All shows are 18+ unless otherwise stated.